
Below are the answers to our most frequently asked questions. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Does our insurance cover the Annual Enrollment Fee?

As of yet commercial plans do not cover the Annual Enrollment fee. I expect this to change in the near future with the popularity of concierge medicine.

Can the Annual Enrollment Fee be applied to our deductible?

If your employer has a Flex Plan (Section 125) or a Medical IRA, you may be able to receive reimbursement for the Annual Enrollment Fee with thesepre-tax dollars.

What is included in the Annual Comprehensive Wellness Examinations?

  • Collection & review of medical history
  • Review of recommendations from consulting physicians
  • Comprehensive physical examination
  • Stool examination for blood
  • EKG
  • Urinalysis
  • Review of laboratory testing
  • Establishment of a written screening schedule based on national guidelines

The Annual wellness Examination will be performed by Dr. Ferns without any additional out-of-pocket expenses. Services that are not covered by the Annual Enrollment Fee include testing at outside facilities such as blood tests, x-rays, ultrasound exams, MRI/CT scans, colonoscopy, heart stress tests, etc.

What do I do when I need a specialist?

To ensure continuity of care, I will help coordinate all specialist referrals. I feel communication between primary care physicians and sub-specialists is crucial to your health.

If I only come to the doctor a few times a year, what are the benefits of joining Temecula Valley Concierge Medical Care?

I believe health and prevention of disease should be a top priority. As one ages, there tends to be a greater need for healthcare. I think this is a wise investment in your health and this program gives you immediate access to a physician.

What happens when I need to see a doctor, and Dr. Ferns is not in the office?

You will have access to Dr. Ferns by cell phone 24/7. He can still guide the healthcare decision-making even if he cannot see you in the office.
